Donald Trump’s many failures in handling this pandemic aren’t a matter of Republican vs. Democrat, or liberal vs. conservative. They’re a matter of Donald Trump having the emotional maturity of a spoiled, petulant 2-year old, as opposed to that of a reasonably mature, responsible adult.
There are Republicans with whom I agree on almost nothing politically who are handling this crisis. I’m in Maryland, and although Governor Hogan has been a little slow on some decisions such as closing down bars, restaurants and casinos, he’s done it now. Ditto Governor DeWine in Ohio. Even Mike Pence, with whom I disagree on literally almost everything, seems to have been handling this responsibly, aside from his obligatory slurpy kissing of Trump’s behind every time he appears on TV. But if he wasn’t doing that, Trump would probably remove him as head of the task force.
Trump, on the other hand, can seemingly do nothing better than tell OBVIOUS lies, such as claiming yesterday that this epidemic was under “tremendous control,” and sending tweets attacking the many people that he considers his political enemies, including in a tweet today, Andrew Cuomo. His lies are as obvious as the behavior of a young child hiding under the bed with his feet sticking out, not realizing that the fact that he can’t see his parents, doesn’t mean that they can’t see him.
Are the Republicans in the House and Senate still so terrified of the overgrown infant in the White House that they feel compelled to defend him? Or has he somehow taken over their minds? His constant declarations of how successful he’s being, in the face of the overwhelmingly obvious evidence to the contrary, reminds me of nothing so much as how Hitler, upon hearing that U.S. and Soviet forces had met up in the middle of Germany, excitedly proclaimed that THIS was how Germany was going to win, since the U.S. and Soviet Union would soon be fighting each other and the western allies would need to ally themselves with the tattered remnants of the German army to defeat the Soviets.
We have a President who is completely deranged, and Congressional Republicans need to realize it before he destroys this country.